30 Aralık 2012 Pazar

Safety fireworks launcher

Safety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcher
Safety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcher
Safety fireworks launcherSafety fireworks launcher

Safety fireworks launcher, a set on Flickr.
It is obviously considered un safe to hold lit rockets and roman candles by hand. we (me and my son) thought we would not miss the fun of waving lit fireworks around so we constructed this remotely operated rig that allows one to safely light and manipulate fireworks.
The jig uses standard RC-servos that are hacked for continous operation. The servos internal potentiometers are removed and replaced with external ones. The external potentiometers acts as bearings for the pan/tilt axes. The axes are driven by laser-cut nylon gears mounted on the servos and the motion is fed back to the servo electronics by the potentiometers effectively making each axis a giant RC-servo.
This is our first prototype but we plan to expand the concept with several launchers, targets and some sort of battle scenario.

NEW: video of launcher in action

Link to raw design in various formats

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